Helen Forrester
Helen Forrester
  • Updated

Q: What is the duration of the ST53?
A: The standard ST53 with full back frame offers 4.7 litre, 6.8 litre and 9 litre lightweight carbon cylinder options with 30 minutes, 45 minutes and 60 minutes duration based on the NIOSH breathing rate of 24 respirations a minute at a minute volume of 40 litres. The ST53SD offers 1.0 litre and 2.0 litre cylinder options with 7 minutes and 14 minutes duration based on the NIOSH breathing rate of 24 respirations a minute at a minute volume of 40 litres.

Q: Can the ST53 be used with any other supplier’s respirator?
A: The ST53 is only approved for use with the FM53 face respirator from Avon Protection.
The Avon ST53 Carries a NIOSH Industrial Approval under the provisions of 42 CFR 84 TC-13F in a variety of cylinders and facepiece size combinations and type-examination approval for CE Marking: PPE Regulation 2016/425/EU - Module B: Certificate CE 684849.

Q: What is the shelf life of the ST53?
A: The designed life of ST53 and FM53 is a minimum of 10 years from date of manufacture.

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