Air-Purifying Respirator (APR) Protection Factor

Lisa Six
Lisa Six
  • Updated

Q. What is the protection factor of the APR's?

A. Avon Protections' APRs are certified to either, or both, CE / NIOSH standards. The pass and fail limits for these tests are the following:

  • NIOSH, Protection Factor (PF) >2,000
  • CE, Inward Leakage <0.05%

IMPORTANT: When fitted and worn correctly, it is possible to achieve protection factors of >2,000, and an inward leakage of <0.05%.

For testing and certifying APRs, laboratory protection factor and inward leakage testing is completed to ensure that the fit of the mask to the wearer is sufficient to achieve these results. The level of protection can be confirmed during a fit test with the end user wearing the product. 

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